Scientists held masterclasses at Agroprodmash 2023

11 / 10 / 2023

The Agroprodmash 2023 exhibition featured a number of masterclasses organised by the Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences and EXPOCENTRE AO in partnership with sectoral research institutes.

The Russian Research Institute of Food Additives held a masterclass on making functional baked goods based on ento protein, i.e. insect protein. The trend of searching for alternative protein sources is gaining popularity all over the world. One of the most discussed trends is the use of insect protein as an ingredient for preparation of functional foods.

The masterclass presented popular and clear examples of bakery and confectionery products with insect protein, such as muffins, biscuits and sushki (dry sweet bread rings). The organisers demonstrated the main technological steps of preparing baked goods with insect protein.

Specialists of the Russian Research Institute of Canning Technology held a masterclass on production of juice products. This was the first time such a masterclass was held at Agroprodmash. The participants learnt about the classification of juice products, the main technological stages of preparation, control methods and problems of adulteration. Potential producers were explained what they should pay attention to when organising production, what raw materials can be used, the main types of packaging and technology features. The masterclass ended with a tasting of different types of juice products.

The Russian Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry introduced the technology of fruit jelly production at their masterclass. Jelly is the most popular in the segment of sugary confectionery products, second only to chocolate. Using different types of fruits, berries, and vegetables, it is possible to get a wide range of products for all tastes, and consumers associate fruit components with a healthy diet.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO 
